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Body Scrubs | DIY | FashNdy


                                              Body Scrubs

        Everyone will definitely try their best to protect skin with the best products, sunscreens, full clothes, moisturizers, etc... but wait is it enough? 
            Of course not, that is why we use body masks and scrubs to give skin the best nutrients and vitamins possibly. There are many products related to body scrubs on the internet. How do we choose the best ones? Are natural one's available? 
            Well yes, natural body masks are available. that means we can directly take natural products and mix them and apply them to our body for best results. 
            In this blog let's talk about some homemade DIY masks.

The Benefits Of Using Homemade Body Scrubs and masks:

  • Homemade masks don't have any side effects unless you have allergies to some products
  • Homemade body scrubs are inexpensive and extremely easy to prepare.
  • The right scrubs give your skin the boost it needs to look radiant and flawless.
  • Body scrubs exfoliate your skin and clean your pores, leaving you with soft, smooth, and younger-looking skin.
  • There are many different ingredients you could use to make a body scrub at home.

1) Coffee and Sugar Body scrub

   Preparation time: 10 minutes
    How often you need this: 2 -3 times a week for a smooth and glowing     skin
    Scrub:  This is one of the best scrubs you could use for your skin. Coffee is rich in antioxidants which help fight cellulite while the sugar in this mixture works as an exfoliator that helps get rid of dead skin. The olive oil in this scrub penetrates deep into your skin, hydrating it and keeping it healthy.
    Ingredients: 1/4 cup ground coffee
                         1/4 cup sugar
                         2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
                         3 Vitamin E Capsules
  1.  Combine all the ingredients until you get a coarse paste.
  2. Cleanse your skin and apply this paste to it.
  3. Use your fingers to gently massage the mixture, in circular motions, on your skin.
  4. Take 5-10 minutes to gently massage and exfoliate your body, spending 1-2 minutes on each part.
  5. Wash the mixture off your body using a hydrating body scrub and lukewarm water.

2) Oatmeal body scrub 

Preparation time: 10 minutes
How often you need this: 2 -3 times a week for a smooth and glowing skin
Scrub: Oatmeal is one of the best natural exfoliators. Not only does it help get rid of dead skin cells but it also soothes and heals troubled skin. 
    Ingredients: ½ cup Uncooked Oatmeal
                        ½ cup Brown Sugar
                        ½ cup Raw Honey
                        ¼ cup Jojoba Oil
                        2 drops Lavender Essential Oil
                        4 drops Geranium Essential Oil
                        4 drops Frankincense
  1. Grind the dry ingredients until you get a fine powder and into it mix the liquid ingredients.
  2. Combine the rest of the ingredients until you get a coarse paste.
  3. Cleanse your skin and apply this paste to it.
  4. Use your fingers to gently massage the mixture, in circular motions, on your skin.
  5. Take 5-10 minutes to gently massage and exfoliate your body, spending 1-2 minutes on each part.
  6. Wash the mixture off using a hydrating body scrub and lukewarm water.

3) Yogurt Body Scrub 


          Preparation time: 10 minutes
           How often you need this: 2 -3 times a week for a smooth and glowing skin
              Scrub:  If you have dry skin but need to exfoliate often, this is the body scrub for you. Yogurt has excellent cleansing properties that help clean your skin by removing dead skin cells and impurities. It also helps moisturize your skin.
              Ingredients:  1 tbsp Yogurt
                                   ¼ cup Olive Oil
                                   1 tsp Honey
                                   3 tbsp Granulated Sugar
          1. Combine the ingredients until you get a coarse paste.
          2. Cleanse your skin and apply this paste onto it.
          3. Use your fingers to gently massage the mixture, in circular motions, on your skin.
          4. Take 5-10 minutes to gently massage and exfoliate your body, spending 1-2 minutes on each part.
          5. Wash the mixture off your body using a hydrating body scrub and lukewarm water.

          4) Organic Turmeric Body scrub 

                  Preparation time: 5 minutes
                  How often you need this: 2 -3 times a week for a smooth and glowing skin
                  Scrub: Turmeric is one of the most popular natural beauty ingredients used in India. It has strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties which help maintain your skin at its youngest best.
                      Ingredients: 1 cup Sugar
                                          2 tsp Turmeric Powder
                                          1 ½ cup Coconut Oil 
                  1. Combine the ingredients until you get a coarse paste.
                  2. Cleanse your skin and apply this paste onto it.
                  3. Use your fingers to gently massage the mixture, in circular motions, on your skin.
                  4. Take 5-10 minutes to gently massage and exfoliate your body, spending 1-2 minutes on each part.
                  5. Wash the mixture off your body using a hydrating body scrub and lukewarm water.

                  5) Sea salt Body scrub

                          Preparation time: 10 minutes
                           How often you need this: Once a week - dry skin
                                                                       Twice a week - normal skin
                                                                       Thrice a week - oily skin
                           Scrub: Sea salt is rich in minerals and exfoliating agents that help keep your skin looking young and healthy. It helps improve blood circulation while also reducing issues such as scarring.
                              Ingredients: 1 cup Sea Salt
                                                  ½ cup Olive Oil
                                                  5-15 drops of An Essential Oil Of Your Choice
                          1. Combine all the ingredients until you get a coarse paste.
                          2. Cleanse your skin and apply this paste onto it.
                          3. Use your fingers to gently massage the mixture, in circular motions, on your skin.
                          4. Take 5-10 minutes to gently massage and exfoliate your body, spending 1-2 minutes on each part.
                          5. Wash the mixture off your body using a hydrating body scrub and lukewarm water.

                                   Following these frequently will give you the best skin with good results. So make sure you follow them and get the best out of it. We will discuss many other scrubs and masks in my upcoming blogs. 


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